You need to make YOU a priority.

Surround yourself with people who support your “me time”.

I took my first class this morning after having my second baby. It was my third attempt this week to take class. Was it easy to get out the door? NOPE. As I left the house my toddler had a breakdown, my car wouldn’t start (that’s fine) and I almost just walked back in the house and gave up. Instead I said to myself, “you need yoga, BADLY.” So, I took my husbands truck and flew up to the studio. 

Don’t have expectations.. just get to class.

Did I do a lot in class? NOPE. Did I do just the set up in 80% of the postures? YUP. Did I stand there and just enjoy being surrounded by the positive energy of our community and Melissa’s voice? YES! Did I realize I hadn’t even tried to lay on the floor in many months and it was very hard to do so? YES  

👉🏼Did I feel like a brand new person when I was driving home?  100% YES. 👈🏼

Stick to your decisions.

There are so many reasons we can come up with on why today isn’t the best day to take class. It’s Sunday. I didn’t sleep great. I should clean my house. I can just go tomorrow. I should really take my dog for a walk. My kids need me. I feel guilty leaving my family during dinner time. My car won’t start. I really should make that dentist appointment. I might get stuck behind the school bus. The list goes ON AND ON.

Don’t let those excuses control your life. Take action. Get to class. Do the work so you can feel good. The classes at Steam House are designed to energize, challenge and heal. Get in here, it’s a pretty special place.

Emily Bean