Preregistration Policy
You must preregister for class before you arrive at the studio.
That's why we've partnered with MindBody to bring you the simplest way to register for class or cancel bookings, right from the phone in your pocket.
To keep sign-ups fair, we’ve limited our preregistration window to 7 days out. If you try to sign up for a class too far in advance it will say "call" instead of "book." Practice your yoga breathing, give it a beat and wait until the following week for those classes to open up.
Please note: clients with reservations must check in at the front desk five minutes prior to their reservation to be assured a spot in the class. Failure to do so may result in loss of a spot.
Cancellation Policy
Can’t make it to class or an appointment?
No worries! You can cancel a class or an appointment you’ve preregistered for directly from the Mindbody mobile app— the same place you booked class.
Classes: Late cancel/ no show fee
No shows and late cancels for classes that you have preregistered for will result in a $25 fee. This fee is non negotiable.
Prevent this from happening and let a pal take your spot by cancelling your booking in the MindBody mobile app on your smart phone at least 2 hours prior to the start of class. It's so simple! Please be respectful of your fellow yogis waiting for a spot to open up! Please DO NOT email us or call us if you are cancelling.
Appointments:Late cancel/ no show fee
We require 24 hours notice to cancel private sessions and appointments. Late cancels will be charged a $25 late cancel fee. No-shows/ no-notice will be charged the full price of the appointment.
You can cancel directly from the Mindbody mobile app. on your smart phone if you cannot attend. We appreciate your understanding.
*It is your responsibility to make sure you are subscribed to all Mindbody notifications and emails. We are not responsible for any miscommunication due to you unsubscribing from the notifications for the waitlist or confirmations for class reservations.*
Our new waiver
We need you to update your waiver with us!
You MUST sign our new waiver before returning to the studio to take class. We do not have paper waivers at the studio. Students who have not filled out the new waiver will not be permitted to take class and will be removed from the waitlist.
Click below to fill it out! It will take just a minute. Please use the email associated with your MINDBODY account to avoid creating duplicate accounts. When you create a double account you may not be able to preregister for class on Mindbody without our help. We appreciate your cooperation and can't wait to see you back in the hot room.